256: Just Build Things with Tiffany White

This week’s guest is Tiffany White, an independent software developer. She joins Brett to talk about getting started in a tech career, some indie filmmaking, and some classy Top 3 Picks.

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Top 3 Picks

  1. Canon M50
  2. HiFiMan Drop headphones
  3. Hue Light Strip

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Tiffany White

Brett: [00:00:00] [00:00:00]My guest this week is Tiffany White, an independent software developer. Thanks for being here, Tiffany.

[00:00:11]Tiffany: [00:00:11] Thank you for having me, Brett.

[00:00:13]Brett: [00:00:13] So when did you first start to code?

[00:00:17]Tiffany: [00:00:17] early 2015. I just was. Thinking that I needed a career change. And someone mentioned the Brico camp to me and I started learning right there.

[00:00:31] Brett: [00:00:31] What were you doing before that?

[00:00:33]Tiffany: [00:00:33] I was doing absolutely nothing before that. I was going to school For a long time, just basically a professional student who was trying to get a degree in English and perhaps, get an MFA in writing. But as someone who didn’t have any money, I felt like that wasn’t an appropriate career choice at the time.

[00:00:57]Brett: [00:00:57] Need them, you need to have money to be here. And [00:01:00] MFA and lit.

[00:01:01] Tiffany: [00:01:01] Oh, yes. Oh yes. So I I lived in Pittsburgh at the time and there were a whole bunch of techniques out there and I went to one coding supply is one of the biggest ones out there learned a little Ruby and decided that’s what I wanted to do.

[00:01:15]Brett: [00:01:15] And you went to school for a little while

[00:01:19]Tiffany: [00:01:19] Yeah. I went to the

[00:01:20]Brett: [00:01:20] For a code.

[00:01:21] Tiffany: [00:01:21] Yeah. Yeah. I went to Pitt on their university of Pittsburgh for computer science for two years. It was interesting to see how different that environment was compared to me learning on my own. There was just, I don’t want to say. That it was a bad experience.

[00:01:43] It was a different experience because you’re learning more theory and more algorithms and data structures and things like that. That things that you aren’t really going to use on the job? At least when I was working as my previous job, I didn’t use [00:02:00] any of that stuff. It did teach you how to think how to learn, how to think about abstractions.

[00:02:07]But I just, I found that the courses that I need to take along with the computer science courses that I was taking just did not, I just didn’t want to, so to take those, I was getting older and I just, I didn’t want to continue to go through that route. So I decided I was just going to do it on my own plus Pitt is expensive.

[00:02:28] So there was that.

[00:02:30]Brett: [00:02:30] So do you feel like going through things like free code camp that you got perhaps a more useful education that way?

[00:02:37]Tiffany: [00:02:37] Yes, I think so. They do have their, algorithm and data structures. Part of the pre co camp that’s really invaluable. So when I started free code camp, it was right at the beginning of Ricoh camps existence. So they were basically, aggregating different. Different sources for you to learn.

[00:02:57]Then they made their own curriculum [00:03:00] and then have improved upon it for the past six years. And it’s just, it’s an amazing resource and it’s free, and I learned a good bit there and I would recommend it to anyone starting out, like wanting to learn how to code it’s. It’s great. And it’s not just web development.

[00:03:16] It’s not just JavaScript. They have Python now and machine learning. So check it out.

[00:03:22] Brett: [00:03:22] So you were able to parlay that then into an actual industry job. You went from. A an English major to working in tech. W did you, was there an uphill battle to try to get that first job without a college degree?

[00:03:38]Tiffany: [00:03:38] There was and it wasn’t so much that. The lack of a degree for me, I got, there were people who reached out to me from like Google and Twitter and things like that. I think what it was for me was my lack of building anything useful. When you [00:04:00] go to free coop free code camp, and you work on the curriculum, there are projects that you need to do, are things you need to do projects to actually want to the next section to get a certificate or whatever.

[00:04:12]And I wasn’t doing that. I was going to different tutorial sites and, Feeling like I was doing things by doing code alongs and things like that. And that, that hindered me more than not having a computer science degree.

[00:04:30]Brett: [00:04:30] What would the recommendation there be if someone were following in your path, what would you say to do differently?

[00:04:36]Tiffany: [00:04:36] I would tell them to. Build things learned a little bit from safe Rico camper. You Demi course learn whatever you can. From there, you don’t need to finish those things. Learn the basics and start building a project and continue to dip in and out of. Tutorials, but don’t just spend time spinning your wheels, doing [00:05:00] these things because you’re not actually learning anything.

[00:05:02] You’re not synthesizing the things that you’re learning and applying them to something real, a real world project. And not just a project that you get from like a Demi course. But a project that you’ve thought of. On your own, like even take a, an idea from a repo that I found on GitHub called app ideas, you can take an idea from there and then start building it with the stuff that you’ve learned from whatever tutorial you have been doing.

[00:05:32] So I think that building a project and several projects is going to help you in the long run, learn how. Programming works and learn how to be a developer and landing your first software job.

[00:05:51] Brett: [00:05:51] It’s interesting that you say that I, because that’s the only way that I. Can learn. I don’t think I’ve ever finished an [00:06:00] online course of any kind. I dropped out of a computer science degree after a year. Like I only learned by creating my own projects and like my GitHub has a hundred, some repositories.

[00:06:13] And if any employer has ever wanted to know what do I know? It’s literally all there get hub repositories. And that has served me pretty well.

[00:06:23]Tiffany: [00:06:23] Yeah. I, yeah, I wasted so much time. And I’ve never finished an online course and part of, I think I finished one and it was the course that I learned the most in. But I think a lot of it for me was fear. It was fear of the blank text editor. And not knowing where to begin when I was thrown into the fire.

[00:06:47]And it’s, it was scary to me. And I did not like when I was growing up I, there were, I w I was in quote unquote gifted [00:07:00] classes and honors classes and things like that. Things came easily to me. When I was growing up in, in school, I never skipped any grades because my mom wouldn’t allow it, but. When I started programming those things just not come as easily to me. And it scared me for a long time. And I didn’t want to quit because I needed to get out of the poverty that I was living in, but I did fear not, not being smart enough to actually learn how to program.

[00:07:31] Brett: [00:07:32] So how did you first get started in tech?

[00:07:34]Tiffany: [00:07:34] I just started, I like before I was in tech officially, even though I loved technology as a kid in. The inner city where, you know, central Pennsylvania in a city called Harrisburg growing up it in the eighties, it wasn’t something, even though I loved tech, it wasn’t something that I thought I could do.

[00:07:59] No [00:08:00] one around me was doing it. I did have a computer when I was 12, my mom she got a hammy down. She worked for the state and she worked as a computer operator, which is not. It’s not a programmer. It’s just someone who sits at a terminal and does some data entry. So she worked with people that.

[00:08:20]Program computers and things like that. And she bought a Commodore one 28 off a guy for $500 because I was into it writing at that time. And she thought that I might need something to write my poetry on. And so she bought the, and Peter and I basically played games on it. I didn’t really program too much.

[00:08:44]It was, it used basic and at the time I was in a bad place mentally and too foggy to understand how basic worked. And the guy that was going to teach me programming. He never, we never got a chance to sit down and learn it. But [00:09:00] so I didn’t really. No, that tech was a thing I could do.

[00:09:04] I basically just wrote, I wrote poetry sort of fiction. And things like that. So when I first started going to college back in the early two thousands I was basically going for writing English major. And it wasn’t until, I was in and out of school for a long time. And it wasn’t until I moved to Pittsburgh where I decided that I would, I was already, I already didn’t have any money and it was hard.

[00:09:30]To li like to live in that city without a whole lot of money. And I decided that I wanted to make some money. And I decided to switch it up to to, learn coding and things like that. So that’s. That’s where I was coming from. Initially there were periods in between the time that I was going to college in the early two thousands.

[00:09:53]Between them and me choosing to, to learn how to code I had an Android phone in 2010 [00:10:00] and I decided to it was really slow. And the only way you could fix that at the time was to download a custom rom, like basically route your phone, download a custom rom and try to fix the lag that was on it.

[00:10:13]And I found that to be incredibly enjoyable. And so I started doing that a lot and it kinda opened up a world to me that I would have liked to have. No more about before then. But it did get me interested in tech as a whole. So

[00:10:31]Brett: [00:10:31] How have you afford the last five years or so? How many jobs have you had in the industry?

[00:10:37]Tiffany: [00:10:37] I’ve had to, I had an internship all three. I had an internship in 2017, a four month internship at I think they’re called forum now, but they were the deaf community at the time. I was there for four months. I learned a little bit on the job. We were using Ruby on rails for the, for most of the app.

[00:10:59] And [00:11:00] there, I learned that I was not really prepared at all to work in the industry because. I, my mid internship review was terrible. And it couched me for a while. Like I wasn’t able to respond well to that feedback on I withdrew. From the team and into myself. And part of the issue with that with me in that internship was that I didn’t communicate very well.

[00:11:27]And it didn’t Dawn on me that. Being in a team like even when you’re programming, you think programming is something solitary and it’s absolutely not. And I wasn’t prepared to communicate with my teammates, especially when I got that that bad performance review. It just it felt like I wasn’t good enough.

[00:11:49] And so I would throw into myself and didn’t communicate hardly at all after that. And then I had my job in 2019 I got a job at a [00:12:00] government consulting firm, which was my first real quote unquote real developer job. And yeah, I wasn’t prepared for that either because it was so fast paced and the budget was constrained because it was government consulting.

[00:12:16]And I just, it wasn’t like I could, they didn’t have the resources to help train junior developers. And I suffered a bit because of that. And then in 2020, early 20, 20, the whole world basically sat down and they laid people off and I was a casualty of that. And so I had to figure out, what am I going to do now?

[00:12:41] Like I moved out of my apartment and into a new one and I was scared that I wasn’t. I was curious, going to be homeless. I had someone reached out to me to do a little freelance work for a startup, a FinTech startup called bumped. And we worked on their landing page together. And that was [00:13:00] probably one of the most valuable experiences I had working in tech up until that point.

[00:13:06] So yeah.

[00:13:08]Brett: [00:13:08] All right. So it sounds like one of your biggest obstacles has not been the actual learning to code, but more. And phrase it as like the mental health of the industry. Do you think that the tech industry as a whole has accommodations for that kind of for those needs.

[00:13:28]Tiffany: [00:13:28] It depends on the company you are at. I think. There are a lot of startups that don’t have that. There are a lot of big companies that don’t have accommodations for this. And I was a part of one of them and I think. That tech is more progressive in this area than other industries, but there’s still a lot of work that needs to be done.

[00:13:54]And I follow a lot of smart people on Twitter that are trying to make [00:14:00] headway into this discussion of mental health and technology and imposter syndrome and getting beyond that that stigma in. The workplace.

[00:14:11] Brett: [00:14:11] In the startup kind of environment, they work people very hard. Tech is notorious for expecting a lot and expecting long hours. And and then the burnout that, that causes have you experienced any of that?

[00:14:25]Tiffany: [00:14:25] Yes. Yes I have. And it’s. Yeah. I mean at my last job, my last full-time job at the government consulting firm I was on four different teams doing four different projects. I was responsible for the front end for those different projects. And each one of those projects had a ton of tickets and I was expected as a junior to move.

[00:14:51] Really quickly through four different projects, I had the team lead the tech lead, I should say to me, he said, you, this is too much. And I [00:15:00] agreed with him. But for that type of work, you need to be billable. And I had to have a hundred percent. Oh, my time being billed. And so I had to have those four projects and it was difficult.

[00:15:15] I remember the day before Thanksgiving of 2019, like the night before Thanksgiving, I had a really bad panic attack. Cause I felt like. I was doing a lot and not getting anywhere. And I also felt like I was going to lose my job if I didn’t, if I didn’t pick up the pace. And if I didn’t, if I didn’t take on more work and it wasn’t healthy.

[00:15:42]And it didn’t help that I was new to the industry and it didn’t help that. The company knew this. But didn’t seem to care too much about that, about my experience or demential health of the people that work there. The tech lead was constantly. Yeah, it was a bad situation, [00:16:00] not just for me, but for a lot of the folks that work there.

[00:16:03] Brett: [00:16:03] So that sounds like for anyone who’s like currently. Looking at getting into tech. That’s the kind of story that I think makes people nervous, scares people. Do you have any advice when you’re scoping out a company, when you’re applying for jobs, what would you look for in the environment that would that would maybe prevent that kind of burnout?

[00:16:24] Tiffany: [00:16:25] I would say, look at the about page of different companies that you’re applying for. And I would do some research. Now you could say glass doors and the best place to research, but I found because you get disgruntled employees and stuff like that, but I found that researching on glassware helps.

[00:16:44] A little bit to decide whether this company is something that you want, like a, this is a company you want to work for looking at their about page and what, what their mission statements are, things like that. And then if you can find someone who works [00:17:00] at the company at the moment, at the time that you’re applying give them a If you can find them, try to contact them and ask them, some general questions about the company and how their culture is.

[00:17:13] And what the work-life balance is. If there is such a thing as work, life balance, but ask them what it looks like to work there. For a day for a week and see whether that is something that is going to be helpful to you and keep you healthy while you’re trying to make a living basically.

[00:17:30]Brett: [00:17:30] All right, so you’ve dabbled a little bit in filmmaking. What kind of stuff have you done there?

[00:17:36] Tiffany: [00:17:36] I’m just beginning. So I’ve been following a lot of, YouTube channels on filmmaking. And I just, I. Don’t have a whole lot of experience. And unfortunately being locked down, it’s been really, truly hard to get out and do what I want to do with filmmaking. But I shot a little short on my iPhone.

[00:17:58]Just a little short to, [00:18:00] to experiment with light and shutter speed. I’ve done that. I’ve done a blog. That I took down off of YouTube because it, the way I edited it I used. A thing called a lot, which is a lookup table where you can apply certain effects to the look of your video.

[00:18:17] And I didn’t know what I was doing in final cut and I apply three different Lutz. It looks awful like when I’m in my mom’s house, like her. Her house has already had full tungsten light. And then I layered three lights on top of it and it’s really orange. Yeah, but yeah, I I want to get out and do more this summer if people get vaccinated and we open back up a little bit.

[00:18:39] I definitely want to get out and do a little bit more filmmaking because I enjoy it.

[00:18:45] Brett: [00:18:45] Are you using any particular apps on your iPhone for shooting?

[00:18:49] Tiffany: [00:18:49] Yes, I use the moment app. I have some peripherals from moments like lenses and stuff like that, that I have yet to use. But I do use moments [00:19:00] and I use filmic pro and things like that. But I do have a, I don’t know, proper. Quote, unquote camera that I use for photography and videography as well.

[00:19:12]I want to utilize that more as well. I shot a video with my friend. She is a. Six generation Weaver and she wanted a little promo thing for her hand woven stuff. And I shot that video. I’m I like the video but the audio was really bad. Just experimenting with stuff like that.

[00:19:31]And yeah, it’s. It’s fun. I enjoy it. I like telling stories and I like technology and, gear and telling stories is my sweet spot.

[00:19:42] Brett: [00:19:42] So you have a background in English and writing does that apply to are you baking a transition from a written word to filmmaking in that way?

[00:19:53]Tiffany: [00:19:53] Pretty much. Yes, I haven’t written fiction in years. But I find that [00:20:00] I think where most of my storytelling comes is when I edit videos. It, when I shoot the The footage. There’s things you have to keep in mind when you’re doing that things that I haven’t really learned until just recently how to think about framing, your shots and The S the through line for the story when you are shooting a sort or whatever you’re doing, and then bring it into final cut or Adobe premiere pro and understanding the story that you’re trying to tell and, chopping up the footage so that it tells us something tells a coherent narrative.

[00:20:37]And that is something I’m learning too. To take from the things that I learned as an English major and applying it to editing footage and shooting footage. I’m not there yet. But I’m getting there.

[00:20:50] Brett: [00:20:50] Yeah, I feel like that’s a skill that you hone through practice for sure. So on the list of topics that you sent me, but I didn’t ask [00:21:00] you about this before the show. What drones is just on that list? What about drones?

[00:21:06] Tiffany: [00:21:06] I have, I watch a lot of YouTube videos. That’s basically my, I don’t watch too much TV and the only TV that I really watch is sports. So mainly my entertainment is YouTube and I’ve watched a lot of different photographers and filmmakers, user drones effectively to help tell stories.

[00:21:29] And I thought maybe I want to, try to do that, but I’m not willing to spend a lot of money on drones. So I bought two. Relatively inexpensive drones that I haven’t been able to fly yet, which really it’s geez. And I don’t want to fly them in my neighborhood because that’s creepy.

[00:21:48]Brett: [00:21:48] I am at someone else’s neighborhood.

[00:21:50] Tiffany: [00:21:50] Oh, yeah. Yes. Yeah, I just love, I love the aerial shots that people get from drones. Where I [00:22:00] live currently, it’s not the most, I don’t live in the Pacific Northwest, it’s not beautiful like that. But if I can get. Two different spots in Pennsylvania. I feel like I want to get some area for the there I’m not just, Film, but like photos as well.

[00:22:17]I’m part of a a group on Facebook called Harris burgers with cameras. And it’s a group for people in my city that take a lot of, images and there’s a guy on there who. Who has a lot of drone photography of one of the most popular spots in our area. And I absolutely love those shots and it’s something that I want to do more of.

[00:22:41]So I have my drones and I just recently picked up a DJI mini too. Which is DJI is. Really drones. When you think of drones and you want to buy a drone, DJI is the. The major player. And so I picked up a very [00:23:00] small drone from them. And I don’t plan on flying it right away. I put on fly, flying my cheaper more disposable drones because, I’m, I’ve never flown one and I honestly don’t want to crash a drone that costs as much as the mini did.

[00:23:15]Yeah, I just, I want to get out there and do it. Just can’t do it right now because of everything that’s happening in the world, but yeah,

[00:23:22] Brett: [00:23:22] I would think getting out into vastly uninhabited areas would be ideal for a pandemic, a drone flying, but all right I’m going to take a quick sponsor break before we get to our top three picks.

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[00:25:18]Brett: [00:25:18]

[00:25:18] Okay. That brings us to the top three. What do you have for me?

[00:25:22] Tiffany: [00:25:22] I can’t recommend. This camera enough, especially if you are big or beginner with filmmaking and videography and even photos. I recommend the cannon there is a newer version of this camera out right now. It’s the, does. So it’s the camera. It’s the Canon in 50 is the camera that I use for most of my photos and videos.

[00:25:49]It’s not. Expensive. It’s like you can get the creator kit for like $650, which comes with a mic and all this other, do you have other things that you would [00:26:00] need to take photos and videos? It served me well for the past year, with the video that I created with my friend and taking the photos of my desk that I take every other week.

[00:26:11] So that’s my first pig.

[00:26:14] Brett: [00:26:14] I have actually I’ve enjoyed the the pictures of your desk on Instagram.

[00:26:18]Tiffany: [00:26:18] Oh God it’s it, it gets a little bit like I don’t, I see a lot of that. I had a lot of that coming through my Instagram feed and I tried to follow along, but eventually it’s just like, how many pictures of a desk? Can you take a And I just got tired of it. I was like, I just, I don’t want to be part of this rat race.

[00:26:37]BF that’s my first big my second,

[00:26:39] Brett: [00:26:39] you, how much does the M 50 cost if you buy it new?

[00:26:42] Tiffany: [00:26:42] Without the kit it’s around $500, I think.

[00:26:45]Brett: [00:26:45] Not an inexpensive camera.

[00:26:47]Tiffany: [00:26:47] No, but it’s probably for the things that you get. With it as far as controls and things like that that’s if you want to go further I [00:27:00] think that’s a good beginner camera. And even in an even cheaper camera in that same line, it’s called the Canon M 100. They did come out with a newer version of Zac camera called the M 200.

[00:27:12]But that camera is like 300 and. The DM 100, like $350. It’s not too bad. So if you want to start with that, then you can probably do that. I, that’s what I started with. The first camera I started with, when I started to do this, they are mirrorless. They’re not DSLRs per se. They’re smaller.

[00:27:28]But yeah that’s definitely I’m a Canon girl, so I liked that stuff.

[00:27:32] Brett: [00:27:32] All right. All right. So what’s your second pick.

[00:27:34]Tiffany: [00:27:34] My second pick would be the the Hi-Fi man drop, I don’t know how to say this. Like it’s mass drop, which has now dropped, sells all kinds of. Gear for relatively well, less than what you would buy elsewhere. And I’m currently using a pair of headphones from Hi-Fi man in collaboration with drop [00:28:00] that I got for one 65.

[00:28:02] And they would be much more than that if I had bought them from Amazon. So I recommend these. These are just they are well-built well constructed. They sound good. The ear cups are soft and they don’t cost as much as some other ones. And I use them all day every day when I’m sitting at my desk.

[00:28:21]I wa I have several different types of headphones, but these are my favorite out of all of

[00:28:28] Brett: [00:28:28] Are they wired or wireless?

[00:28:30] Tiffany: [00:28:30] They are wired. So that’s the thing you’ve got to, you have to take into consideration. If you want to move around a bit, I wouldn’t choose East to take out anywhere. But basically sitting at your desk is what,

[00:28:42] Brett: [00:28:42] Yeah. I actually need new headphones. Get me after the show, your drop affiliate link so that if anyone wants to buy this, you’ll get a, you’ll get some drop credit out of it. You get 10 bucks here and there. If you get enough people to sign up.

[00:28:56] Tiffany: [00:28:56] Yeah. Okay. Cool.

[00:28:58] Brett: [00:28:58] I like drop. I use it [00:29:00] mostly for, keycaps but.

[00:29:01]Tiffany: [00:29:01] Yeah, I saw that they have key gaps. I have a mechanical keyboard, but I don’t, I’m a little afraid to take off the key gaps.

[00:29:08]Brett: [00:29:08] Aye. I just today, I I have the ultimate hacking keyboard and I’m beta testing the version two of the uhk. And I just got it set up today and spent some time changing key caps around because for me, it’s not my keyboard until I’ve. Customize the keys.

[00:29:28]Tiffany: [00:29:28] Yeah, I’ve got a wasp WASD. I’ve got one of those where I just changed the colors of the key caps, but I want to start like getting more key caps and fiddling around with them. And I saw that drop has really good ones. So I might have to learn how to replace the key caps and then pick some up at

[00:29:50] Brett: [00:29:50] All you need is a key cap, polar, and you can buy them for a few bucks. You’ll have

[00:29:55] Tiffany: [00:29:55] Oh, really? Okay. Okay. Cool.

[00:29:57] Brett: [00:29:57] just pop right off. It’s it’s fun. [00:30:00] It’s fun. All right. What’s your third pick?

[00:30:02]Tiffany: [00:30:02] My third pick is a hue, light strip. I like having light, like led lights, smart lights and stuff like that. I really like Having a light strip on the back of my desk, on the back of my TV for bias lining, things like that. I was using a brand called life ex but they are so fiddly and so like the connector to actually get it.

[00:30:31]Into a to connect to the power cord. Like you can bend it the connectors really easily, and then the whole light strip stops working. And I had, I decided I’d go with Phillips hue and So far so good. So I like a lot of smart home stuff. A lot of it, it’s ridiculous how much I have in here.

[00:30:52] And I connected basically all with a free open source Tool called home assistant which I’ll be writing more about that [00:31:00] later on the one blog that I have, but yeah, basically light strips, Philip hue definitely a little pricey cause with you, you have to have the hub. And that’s why I chose like X in the beginning because I did not want to spend the extra, 60, $70 per hub.

[00:31:15] I paid the price for not doing that. So I picked up some Phillips. You.

[00:31:19] Brett: [00:31:19] I I had a, an Ikea light strip and you could get them for think they were 15 bucks and it had a 256 color wheel for RGB lighting. And I had that. Hacked into my home automation system using Insteon stuff. And it ultimately, all it ended up being for me was an, a nightlight. I had a strip under the edge of my bed because I tended to get up in the middle of the night a lot.

[00:31:50] And my. Ex-wife now, but at the time happened to be my real wife and I didn’t want to wake her up. So I had it so that [00:32:00] there was a motion detector under the edge of the bed. And when I would stand up and then build the night, just this small strip of red lights would come on and like light the floor around the bed without waking anybody up.

[00:32:12] That was useful. I’m not sure what I would do with a light strip now. Like what kind of what specifically do you have that light strip doing?

[00:32:20] Tiffany: [00:32:21] I have it across the back of my desk and I, whenever I’m in here and act in my office at night and say, I want to watch some baseball or. YouTube or whatever. I turn off all the other lights and keep the light strip on on my desk to give it some ambience. And then I have two light strips on the back of my two TVs.

[00:32:45]For bias sledding. The one in my living room I use when I’m gaming because I have a PlayStation four and whenever I want to play games, I basically turned the two lights off in the in the living room and then keep the light on behind that CB the [00:33:00] light strip on behind the TV and the one TV in my bedroom.

[00:33:03]There’s a. There is a another TV by sliding strip behind there that I use for nighttime watching. But yeah, that’s it.

[00:33:11] Brett: [00:33:11] I gotta say for someone who says they don’t watch much TV, you have a lot of TVs.

[00:33:15]Tiffany: [00:33:15] I do. And I don’t even I have one in my living room and I don’t even spend time in my living room. It’s just there. Like I’m basic. I basically, I feel bad because I have that TV and I have home pods hooked up to that TV. And I’m not even in there. I just use that TV for gaming and then the TV, like I don’t have cable.

[00:33:37]I just have that Apple TV box in both my bedroom and my living room and I watch YouTube, like that’s basically

[00:33:43]Brett: [00:33:43] Yeah.

[00:33:44] Tiffany: [00:33:44] Or baseball, whatever,

[00:33:45] Brett: [00:33:45] don’t have cable. I watch a lot of TV, but all through streaming services and I do watch a lot of YouTube. I PBS Ian’s man. History of the world that, yeah, I enjoy the [00:34:00] educational YouTubes good

[00:34:01] Tiffany: [00:34:01] me too.

[00:34:02] Brett: [00:34:02] All right. So where can people find Tiffany White on the internet?

[00:34:05] Tiffany: [00:34:05] You can find me at at Tiffany White dev on Twitter, you can find my blog at. Tiffany white.dev. And you can find my other blog that I write more about personal things and Apple tech and smart home tech and things like that@tiffanywhite.blog.

[00:34:28]Brett: [00:34:28] And what’s your Instagram.

[00:34:30] Tiffany: [00:34:31] I guess I’ll give you my photography. And so making Instagram it’s C R white media on Instagram.

[00:34:39] Brett: [00:34:39] Awesome. All right. Thanks for your time today, Tiffany.

[00:34:42]Tiffany: [00:34:42] All right. Thank you, Brett.

[00:34:44]Brett: [00:34:44] It’s been good catching up with you and we’ll see everyone in a week.

[00:35:00] [00:34:48]
