Keith Blount is the author of Scrivener, a Mac and Windows application for writers of all ilk. He joins Systematic to talk about coding, customer support, writing and, of course, three top picks that he’s excited about right now.

Keith Blount is the author of Scrivener, a Mac and Windows application for writers of all ilk. He joins Systematic to talk about coding, customer support, writing and, of course, three top picks that he’s excited about right now.
Ellen Hinton, a.k.a Ellen Once Again, stops by to talk about music, technology and technology in music. She’s an accomplished musician with a recording career, in addition to being a music teacher and technology lover.
Craig Scott, the brains behind iThoughts mind mapping software for Mac and iOS, joins the show to talk about brainstorming, the App Store, the life of an indie developer and some of the apps that are getting the most use on his Mac and iPhone right now.
Freelance designer and podcaster Aaron Mahnke swings by to discuss design obsession, podcasting, iPad games and literature.