David Sparks (a.k.a. MacSparky) joins Brett to discuss prioritizing time, reducing day job stress, Markdown, and why the world needs… Read more 16: David Sparks and The Juggling of Time

David Sparks (a.k.a. MacSparky) joins Brett to discuss prioritizing time, reducing day job stress, Markdown, and why the world needs… Read more 16: David Sparks and The Juggling of Time
Dave Caolo guests this week for a discussion of music theory, the industrial music scene, free jazz and, of course, some great Picks of the Week for iOS, Mac and your cinematic viewing pleasure.
Todd Mundt of NPR guests to discuss focus, memory, attention and taking effective notes.
Ashley Esqueda of Techfoolery (and a dozen other venues) joins Brett to chat about the iPhone 5, tech blogging and the hurdles faced by women in tech.