Mike Schmitz (Product Director at Asian Efficiency, writer for the Sweet Setup, author, and musician) joins Brett to talk about productivity and religion, raising 4 boys, freedom of faith, and coffee.

Mike Schmitz (Product Director at Asian Efficiency, writer for the Sweet Setup, author, and musician) joins Brett to talk about productivity and religion, raising 4 boys, freedom of faith, and coffee.
Aaron Mahnke, creator and host of the Lore podcast, joins Brett to talk about the success of Lore, paying your creative dues, and Gundam models (among other things).
Brett is joined by Rob Stenzinger—an Interactive Storyteller, and UX and Game Designer—to talk about autodidactic exploration, self-advocacy and marketing, and going from corporate jobs to indie (and then back).
Aaron Dowd (The Podcast Dude) joins Brett to talk about his love of podcasting and the work he does to help everyone make better podcasts. Aaron also has a fascinating story, and there was so much to talk about that this episode ran long.
Molly Holzschlag continues the story of her life and career (this is her second appearance on Systematic, find the first here).
Jay Dixit — writer, editor, and storytelling teacher — has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Rolling Stone, Slate, Wired, and Psychology Today. He joins Brett to talk writing: college life, comedy, psychology, and how it all ties together.
Brett chats with Liz Lazarra, freelance writer and mental health activist, about job transitions, therapy, and the habits of prolific writers.
Greg Scown joins Brett to talk about running, cooking, reading, traveling and software development.
If John Lydon worked in media relations, he would probably seem a lot like Ed Zitron. If only Ed (founder and CEO of EZPR, author and writer) liked The Sex Pistols.
Victor Yocco, UX researcher, joins Brett to talk about psychology in UX and alcoholism in the modern workplace.
John Roderick returns to Systematic to talk about the mental health of politicians, the importance of song lyrics, and outer space, among other topics.
Brought to you by PDFpenPro, the Swiss Army Knife for your PDFs. Check it out at smilesoftware.com/systematic. Mandy Fabian and… Read more 159: Mandy Went To Vassar – Amanda Fabian and Paul Witten
Jamelle Bouie — Chief Political Correspondent for Slate Magazine and analyst for CBS news — joins Brett to talk about politics, journalism, photography, and more.
Aaron Anastasi is a YouTuber, life coach, and an author. He joins Brett to discuss his new book The Voice Of Your Dreams, goal setting, and commitment in the face of failure.
Brett chats with Art Director Glenn Chipman about brainstorming, cartooning, trials, tribulations, and high school bands. Brought to you by… Read more 156: One Time At Band Practice with Glenn Chipman