David Sparks (a.k.a. MacSparky) joins Brett to discuss prioritizing time, reducing day job stress, Markdown, and why the world needs… Read more 16: David Sparks and The Juggling of Time

David Sparks (a.k.a. MacSparky) joins Brett to discuss prioritizing time, reducing day job stress, Markdown, and why the world needs… Read more 16: David Sparks and The Juggling of Time
Dave Caolo guests this week for a discussion of music theory, the industrial music scene, free jazz and, of course, some great Picks of the Week for iOS, Mac and your cinematic viewing pleasure.
Todd Mundt of NPR guests to discuss focus, memory, attention and taking effective notes.
Ashley Esqueda of Techfoolery (and a dozen other venues) joins Brett to chat about the iPhone 5, tech blogging and the hurdles faced by women in tech.
Author, blogger, IT guy and former Apple Lead Genius Stephen Hackett joins Brett to talk about new Apple hardware and share some great software picks.
Shawn Blanc joins Brett to talk about blogging, black belts and various tips for sleeping better.
Gabe Weatherhead (Macdrifter) joins Brett to talk Markdown, blogging as a personal reference log and their favorite apps for the week.
Brett Kelly of Bridging the Nerd Gap guests to talk a bit about Evernote, Omnifocus, getting started with coding and his favorite tech picks of the week. A brief discussion of spousal tolerance of heavy metal ensues.
Brett is joined by Michael Schechter of A Better Mess for a (somewhat wandering) discussion of ADHD, Tesla, productivity, Apple, Twitter and other things that have caught their… attention this week.
Merlin Mann shows up to talk about minimalism, productivity and having too many domain names.
Brett discusses work, efficiency, relaxation, squirrels and web development with developer Joe Workman.
Paul Mayne and Ben Dolman, creators, designers and developers of Day One journaling software join Brett to talk about motivation, coding and the freedom of designing within restrictions.
Rabbi Eric Linder joins Brett to talk about workflows, Markdown and building data organization systems that still work two years later.
Mike Rose joins Brett to discuss Retina displays, improvisation and geek social skills.
Mike Schramm joins Brett to talk about gaming, coding and procrastination.